Rockstar Capital Joins HAA in Collecting Food for Houston Communities
Last week, Rockstar Capital donated over 1000 units of food to HAA for ABC Channel 13’s “Share your Holiday” program. The Houston Apartment Association held their 4th annual Competitive Food Drive to encourage apartment communities to donate to the cause. The challenge began on November 1st with the goal to collect as many food items as possible before drop off day on December 4th. Thanks to their challenge they were able to gather over 20,000 pounds of food for donation. In addition to their 10-ton donation of food, HAA also donated $13,378 to aid the Houston Food Bank in continuing their charitable work for the Houston population.
Rockstar Capital has enjoyed being able to give more to the Houston Food Bank and community, especially during the holidays! HAA has been holding food drives since 1983 and we are proud to be able to participate in this long running tradition. Check out our experience collecting and donating food in our newest episode of the #DailyRock;